Step By Step...How does the QSEHRA Work?
If employers are looking for health benefit options to offer employees, it is highly likely that they have run into the QSEHRA.
The Qualified Small Employer HRA (QSEHRA) allows small employers to contribute tax-free to their employees’ qualified health care expenses without offering a group health plan.
The BASE® QSEHRA is a health benefit that allows employees to secure their own health plan on or off the Marketplace while reimbursements are 100% deductible to the employer.
Check out the next 6 steps to implement the QSEHRA into a business:
- Employer eligibility. To be eligible, the employer must have fewer than 50 full-time employees and does not provide a group health plan to the employees.
- Determine employee eligibility. The QSEHRA must be offered on the same terms to all eligible employees. Something to note, all employees and family members must secure their own health insurance plans that meet the minimum essential coverage (MEC) definition and provide proof of coverage.
- Establish reimbursement limits. With the QSEHRA, employers can set different benefit limits for self-only versus family coverage up to the annual maximum established by the IRS.
- Choose eligible expenses. Employers can choose what employee health care expenses can be reimbursed, as long as it is within the legal limits. The QSEHRA can be used to reimburse health care premiums or IRS-permitted out-of-pocket health care expenses.
- Pick set up and start date. This is where BASE® comes in. Pick a start date and BASE® will create the written notices, information, and plan documents that are required. Please note that employers who fail to follow the rules may face severe penalties.
- Present new benefit to employees. Employees must be given a written notice 90 days before the QSEHRA starts. The employees that are not eligible must also receive the notice if they become eligible for the plan.
The QSEHRA is a cost-effective alternative to offering employees a traditional group health plan. To learn more about the BASE® QSEHRA, contact BASE® at 888.386.9680 or visit